Portfolio Assessment: A Guide for Students

Portfolio Assessment: A Guide for Students
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Portfolio Assessment: A guide for Students

Dr Trudi Cooper

Portfolio assessment lies at the heart of best practice. It provides an excellent tool for students who need to demonstrate required competence, and for qualified practitioners who wish to remain at the cutting edge of their profession. Those who follow the advice in this book will be well placed to an advance their careers as self-regulating professionals - whether by a formal education or through professional development. The book provides a practical guide on how to produce a portfolio of work that meets national standards of practice. It takes readers through the major concepts of portfolio assessment and turns the portfolio building process into a well-defined set of steps that relate to a wide range of circumstances.

Importantly, the book explains how to select evidence for particular circumstances and provides examples of how to use:

  • Witness testimony
  • Reflective learning journals
  • Diaries and working notes
  • Samples of work
  • Videos, photographs and audio recordings

The book concludes with a checklist to ensure all aspects of the portfolio building process have been completed. Using the process described will ensure a well-presented portfolio that accurately reflects your competence as a professional.


Photo of Dr. Trudi CooperAssociate Professor Dr. Trudi Cooper lectures in Youth Work Studies at Edith Cowan University. Before lecturing for Edith Cowan, Trudi gained substantial and varied field experience, over 14 years, as a practitioner, trainer and lecturer in community and youth work in the UK. She has undertaken research over several years into the use of portfolios as an assessment tool, and has been extensively involved in curriculum development for basic, advanced and specialist training courses in the Community and Youth Work field. Trudi has been involved in the professional education of practitioners for many years. She has a PhD in Assessment and Quality Evaluation in Universities; a  Masters degree in Educational Research, a Graduate Certificate in Education, and B.A. (Hons) in Philosophy.

ISBN: 1 876394 01 3